
Some of my recent posts that were harder to categorise

Seeing the Cursed Child

Another week, another few days spent in London. This time it was to celebrate my birthday, which had already been planned over a year in advance when I bought tickets to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in January 2017. My brother and I are life-long HP fans, and although I find myself conflicted with…

A trip to London, featuring The Mousetrap

Last weekend was a very good weekend. I visited my friend in London and had a great time in the capital. The main reason for the visit was to go the Bond in Motion exhibition near Covent Garden, presented by the London Film Museum. My friend Tom and I had visited the national car museum…

The Lone February Read: The Silent Companions

Having miraculously managed two posts in January, I thought I’d turned a corner with this blogging malarkey and may actually start committing to more than one a month. But life happened, I got ill, and though February was very speedy, my stress levels were rather high and meant very little outside of work actually got…

Never set a reading target, & other stories

Rather predictably, my little challenge to read three books by the end of September is incomplete. I didn’t even finish my little 150 page book. It should’ve been easily accomplished, really, but the cat was thrown amongst the pigeons when I received a job offer. The excitement of finally securing a position took over one…

Mini September TBR

I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump recently. I think it’s partly to do with being a little bit stressed and not being quite mellow enough to just sit and read, and I’ve also been exhausted, so any time I have sat down, I’ve been asleep within seconds. Not exactly conducive to reading.…

University ✓

Four years later and I have finally finished uni! I submitted my dissertation nearly two weeks ago, which was probably the most excited I have ever been to hand in a piece of work. The obligatory dissertation photos were taken with my friends, and I printed off an extra copy so I could take one…